
Bring your music to the next level

Mixing for that special something

Your band sound awesome, but when you’re done recording it doesn’t really fit together like you imagined?
Your drums don’t hit as hard as live?
Your vocal gets drowned out by the rythm guitar?

I create a mixdown of your multitrack recording to sculpt your arrangement to make sense of all your sounds in relation to each other and give it that professional sound.

Even more, mixing is both a technical process and a creative art form. It can have a significant effect on the sonic texture and aesthetic experience of your music. To what extend? You decide!

Mastering ready for Spotify, Youtube and co

For better or for worse you want to participate in the loudness war?
I master your track to modern standards and the platform of your choice:

Services like Spotify like to keep their content on a specifik loudness level, depending on the kind of media uploaded.
That means if you don’t match these levels they will turn your music up or down to match the norm, wich can introduce unwanted artifacts or give your music a characteristik you didn’t account for.
